Online Learning Training and Examinations
LearnonlineTM - is the web-based Training and Testing Online Examination System.
Exams and Assignments:
This unique Assignment Management System is designed for Educational and Training purposes. It can be used by schools or business for setting up and administering online training and testing sessions. Assignments are easily created and assigned to students by administrators (Teachers, Lecturers, Safety Officers etc.) with various level of access. Having successfully finished their assignments, students receive Certificate of Completion bearing the company seal and score results.
This is a multi-role administrator system allowing Instructors to create and form their own groups of interested students. Students interested in a course are given chance to sign-up for the course. The number of seats in a course can be limited and is being filled in automatically based on students signing-up. Courses are displayed in the calendar for students to note the dates. Students also are notified about new courses available for signing. If you would like to see this system at work, please don't hesitate to ask for the presentation.